Garden Bed Rental Agreement

Please read and agree to the following before purchasing a garden bed.



  • This garden rental agreement covers the period between May 1 and October 15.

  • Any person(s) wanting to enter into this rental agreement must have a current Crossroads Community Association (CCA) membership.

  • Garden bed rental fees are $25 for the above stated garden season and are due two weeks after notification of being awarded a bed.  Fees are non-refundable.

  • Each household can rent one garden bed for one growing season. Alumni garden renters only are able to rent a second bed for an additional $25.

  • All persons using a garden bed should be named on the signed agreement. Gardeners are not permitted to trade or sublet their garden beds and may not register “in name only” while a friend or relative actually uses the garden.

  • Upon signing this agreement, renters must attend a mandatory orientation session and contribute 5 hours of volunteering in the garden for the gardening season per rented garden bed. However, if a renter is unable to volunteer for physical labor, they may request a non-physical way to contribute. Volunteer hours are accumulated at organized communal work bees, not through independent work effort.

  • Water service will only be available during core summer months. Access to water is a privilege and is not guaranteed at any point during the year.


  • Garden beds must be planted by June 12 and kept watered, weeded and maintained until the October 15 garden clean up.

  • Renters are expected to provide their own seeds, seedlings, tomato cages, hand tools, row cover and crop labels.

  • Gardeners will not plant any invasive plants such as mint, chives, peppermint, spearmint, strawberries unless they're in pots so the roots can’t spread. No sunflowers can be planted in the garden beds unless they are the dwarf variety (less than 4 feet). Wildflowers cannot be planted in the garden.  Please ask if you are unsure of the nature of your plant material.

  • Gardeners are not permitted to plant anything higher than 4 feet, so they do not shade neighboring gardens. Trellises must be stable in all weather conditions and must not shade other neighboring gardens. Permanent structures are not allowed i.e., the use of nails, screws, or permanent decorations are prohibited.

  • Gardeners must strictly adhere to organic gardening principles and will not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides herbicides or insecticides in the gardens. Soil amendments brought to the garden must be organic.

  • Gardeners will deal with insect infestations and keep weeds out of their garden beds and paths around their bed by manual/organic removal to prevent these from spreading to other beds.

  • Gardens that are not appropriately maintained (seeded, planted, weeded, watered, harvested, cleaned up) will revert back to the Community Garden Committee 7 days after notification to the gardener. Each gardener is responsible to ensure that their garden is maintained during any absence (i.e., vacation or illness). Failure to maintain ones’ garden bed is considered “not in good standing” and those gardeners will be removed from priority for the following season.

  • Gardeners are expected to pick their produce when it is ripe. The Garden Committee reserves the right to harvest and donate (to charity) any fully ripe produce that has been left unattended in order to reduce food waste. Gardens are considered abandoned after two unsuccessful attempts at contacting the gardener have been made.

  • Gardeners are not allowed to let their plants to go to seed unless they are planning to harvest the seed. They must ensure that garden plants do not grow out of the raised beds and into the adjacent pathways and neighboring gardens.

  • Gardeners will be responsible for their own hand tools and will ensure that shared tools and equipment are cleaned after each use and stored appropriately. Hoses are wound up and not left lying on the ground. Arrangements can be made if you would like to store personal tools in the garden shed.


  • Safety in the community garden is a priority and all gardeners should be mindful of the tasks they are undertaking are performed in a safe manner. A first aid kit is kept in the garden shed for minor injuries. 

  • Gardeners will respect the other gardeners’ rights and not cause actions that are detrimental to others.

  • Gardeners will ensure they take responsibility for their children, friends or relatives who accompany them to the gardens and make sure children are always supervised. Pets are not allowed in the garden.

  • Gardeners will pick only produce or flowers from their own garden bed unless arrangements have been made with other gardeners. Please be considerate. Taking food from other garden beds is theft.

  • Smoking/vaping, consuming alcohol, marijuana or any controlled substance is prohibited in the garden by renters and the general public.


  • If anything in the community garden is damaged or if your garden bed has been vandalized or pilfered in any way, please email

  • Make sure water is turned off after use and shed is locked. The combination to the shed will be given to you at the mandatory orientation session.

  • Gardeners are expected to contribute to the care of the food forest areas and common gardens (fruit bushes, flower beds, etc.) and keeping the adjacent pathways and gardens free of organic materials such as soil & mulch,

  • Gardeners are to immediately dispose of garbage, compostable items and debris in the containers provided by the Crossroads Community.


  • Set and enforce garden guidelines and allocating garden bed on a first come first serve basis.

  • Monitor the e-mail account and communication with gardeners

  • Provide soil for the garden beds.

  • Organize orientation and volunteer sessions and fall clean up

  • May organize speakers, workshops, etc. and notify renters by email

  • Mediate conflicts between gardeners


  • The CCA Community Garden Committee listens to suggestions and comments from all gardeners and will endeavor to make the wisest choice for the benefit of the community garden and all gardeners.

  • The Community Garden Committee will strive for consensus when making decisions, but if not possible, a majority vote of the Community Garden Committee members present shall decide.

  • If the Community Garden Committee is unable to come to a decision, they may refer the matter to the  CCA Board of Directors.


  • Agreeing to this contract absolves the Crossroads Community Association, CCA Garden Committee, or the City of Calgary from any liability, financial or otherwise which may result from negligence or injury of any kind either to myself or to others.


I understand that I must commit to the rules and regulations stated within this rental agreement. If I fail to meet these terms, the Garden Committee will re-assign my bed to another gardener.

By hitting the “I Agree” button, the gardener consents to having their e-mail shared with fellow gardeners solely for the purpose of coordination and information relevant to the CCA Community Garden.


By hitting the “I Agree” button below and providing my personal contact information, I agree that I have read and understand the statements included in this rental agreement and plan to abide by them.

Failure to comply with the above conditions may void this agreement.

You will be contacted on or after March 1, regarding your garden bed rental with a rental agreement to sign with full payment (non-refundable) due in 2 weeks after contacted.

 Any questions, please email